Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 9: Somewhere You Visited

Today we went to the Harbor to see Narnia at the midnight premier. Greeeeaaaat fun(:

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day 8: Something You Dislike

People. Really just annoying, hypocritical people. But you know..... Haha.(:

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 7: Something You Ate Today

Mom made this amazing soup that I had at Olive Garden the other day. I don't know how to spell it's name....(: and also she made caesar salad. What an EXCELLENT dinner.

Day 6: What Did You Do Today?

Today I had school, then my youth group served at our Senior Adult Banquet. Kitchen service was a little slow, and so some guests started to get a little grumpy, but all things considered, it was pretty fun. After the banquet, Will took us all to CiCi's to support Ranjani's trip. Then, Tiffani and I rode home with Mandy, and we drove around for nearly an hour just talking. Pretty good day(:

Day 5: Your Humble Abode

This is my bedroom: where you can find me any time I'm home. I hardly ever come out except for bathroom breaks and dinner...(;

Cute, right?(:

Day 4: What's In Your Bag?

My English portfolio, homework folder, a book to read if I have any free time (ha. Yeah right), makeup bag, keys, my wallet, and sometimes a water bottle if I need it are all stuffed into this little backpack. It's mainly the essentials. I hardly ever carry my purse anymore. A backpack is more practical for school, and anywhere else I go I can just grab my phone, keys, and wallet without even needing a bag..(:

Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 3: Something You Bought Today

You might not be able to see it, but we're holding Starbucks. A great end to a great night with my greatest friends(minus Fatlack)!

Day 2: Someone You Adore

My Mom(:
1. She loves Hallie and I no matter what crazy things we do.
2. She works hard to raise us right.
3. She has a passion for God.
4. She is determined.
5. She is extraordinarily smart.
Only five of the many reasons(:

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 1: Self Portrait

I'm supposed to introduce myself and stuff, but I've already done that sorta in "Write A Letter To A Stranger" day. Soo.. You can just check out that post if you need too.. Haha(:

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Newest Challenge: Photo A Day.

I'm debating whether or not to start this now, or to wait until the beginning of the next month. But anyway, this is my next challenge(:

* Day 1: Self portrait – share basics/make an intro.
* Day 2: Someone you adore – 5 reasons why
* Day 3: Something you bought today
* Day 4: What’s in your bag?
* Day 5:
Your humble abode
* Day 6: A representation of your day – what do you do?
* Day 7: Something you ate today
* Day 8:
Something you dislike
* Day 9: A place you visited
* Day 10: TV show you’re currently addicted to
* Day 11: Your family pet(s)
* Day 12: The town/city your reside
* Day 13: What’s in your fridge
* Day 14: Something you craved today
* Day 15: A stranger and why you chose them
* Day 16: Your closet
* Day 17: A place you went today
* Day 18: Something you collect
* Day 19: Favorite part of yourself and why
* Day 20: A hobby you have
* Day 21: Your parents
* Day 22: Your room as it is right now
* Day 23: Go some where you’ve never been & take a picture
* Day 24: Something you find funny
* Day 25: Self portrait myspace-esque
* Day 26: Where you go to relax/get away
* Day 27: Something that gives you purpose
* Day 28: A before & after shot of anything
* Day 29: An action shot
* Day 30: Another self portrait
* Day 31: Something that always makes you smile

It's the end...

Well I finished the project, even if I got behind every now and then, especially there at the end. It was fun, and challenging. I like having something to write about. I might look for another project kind of similar to this, just so I won't stop blogging. For those of you who read my blog: Thank you. I hope it wasn't TOO boring. Love y'all(:

Day 30: Write A Letter To Your Reflection In The Mirror

Dear Hannah,
Stay level-headed. Make good decisions. Remember who you represent. Work hard. Do well. Be successful. Love everyone. Be patient. Be generous. Don't judge. Obey your parents, and remember: It's all about choices.

Day 29: Write A Letter To Someone You Wish You Could Tell Everything To, But Can't

Dear Grandma Eunice,
I never knew you, but Momma talks about you all the time. People always tell me that you and I would've gotten along well. I really wish I could've known you and been able to talk to you. I've never heard Momma say one bad thing about you. She really loved you and misses you. I know I'll see you see you soon enough in Heaven, but until then, save us a seat. I can't wait to get to know you. (:

Day 28: Write A Letter To Someone Who Changed Your Life

Dear Randy,
You were my first youth minister. I was never bored around you. You knew how to challenge us to push our limits and be good Christians. You honestly loved and cared for all of us. Your charismatic personality could light up a room and your sense of humor could put a smile on my face on the worst day. You wouldn't be you without your comic book obsession. I've never seen a living room with so many action figures. You showed me that church was something to be enjoyed, not just something your parents force you to do every Sunday/Wednesday. You're Starbuck's best customer. You have and AMAZING family. And I miss you all very much. Thank you for being such a positive influence in my life and I hope to see y'all soon!

Dear Will,
I'm going to admit straight up that when I first heard Randy was leaving, I pretty much shut out any idea of anyone taking his spot. I didn't even want to think about it. When Mrs. Cheryl emailed me in Peru that they found you, I was mad. I think at that point I was more upset that I just wasn't going to be there to meet you the first time. Everyone told me how great you were going to be and that Jenny and Liam were adorable and how we were just going to love you, but I wasn't sure if I could believe them. I guess I should start trusting people more often. They were totally right. In fact, I don't think they gave you enough credit. Your first week, our group went through a terrible trial. You were present the entire time, and although they didn't know you very well yet, everyone told me how you were so easy to trust and to talk to. When I finally did meet you, I just felt really sorry for you for having to sit with The Saras all the way home on that little bus. That must've been torture. I'm so thankful for you and your family, and although you and Randy are almost polar opposites, you have truly been a blessing to our youth group. I don't know you quite as well as I knew him yet, but we've still got 2 1/2 years left to fix that.(: I can't wait to see how God uses you to continue to work with our group. (:

Day 27: Write A Letter To The Friendliest Person You Knew For Only One Day

Dear Geena and Brittany,
You were in my group at our golf tournament the other day. Both of you have been playing since your freshman year, and you were really good. I've been playing for...6 weeks max? Soooo, I wasn't that good.. Haha. Y'all could've easily been snobby and impatient but you helped me out and didn't make me feel retarded even when I missed the ball 4 times just on the tee box on that last hole. You both placed, so congrats(: Thanks for being so kind to me(:

Day 26: Write A Letter To The Last Person You Gave A Pinky Promise To

Dear Tiffani,
We pinky promised not to SneakAttack each other last night(: aha. And then ganged up on Fatlack, just CUZ WE REAL(;
I love you!

Day 25: Write A Letter To The Person You Know Is Going Through Hard Times

Estimado Josué,
Sé que usted ha estado luchando por un tiempo con dicisions diferentes. Sólo recuerde que usted tiene mucha, mucha gente a tu alrededor que te amo y que Dios te ama. Sé que va a tomar buenas decisiones. Sea amable con tía Elizabeth, por favor. Ella es un buen amigo para mí (: Sigue trabajando en su Inglés Sé que en secreto me entendía cuando yo estaba allí en julio..

Day 24: Write A Letter To The Person Who Gave You Your Favorite Memory

I have so many amazing memories, which makes it very difficult. Recently I had to write an essay over "a time I went on a journey" for my English class. Ironically, it's also one of my favorite memories. Ill just copy it here.
This is about Mom, Dad, and Hallie. It's not really a letter, so it can just be....dedicated to them. Hahah(:
*Most of this is true, but a few things were added in order to earn a better grade(:

   The winding road and high altitude are beginning to make me dizzy. I roll down the car window so the cool mountain air could blow on my flushed face. I perched my chin softly on the opening in the door to admire the scenery. Hallie, my little sister, giggles upon seeing another doe in the brush.
   It is early fall and the leaves are just beginning to turn colors. This is the time of year I love. The smell of pine trees fill the air and the song of the blue jays ring in my ears.
   Camping is not something my family would normally enjoy. I think they were just trying to appease me. My parents and I had been fighting a lot lately, but over the course of this week spent camping, not one cross word was muttered. I guess it has something to do with the relaxing breeze and feeling of freedom achievable only by sleeping out under the open night sky.
   Momma and Daddy are holding hands across the consul. Daddy must've turned the music down long ago, but I hadn't noticed. Inside the car we are silent. No one is willing to interrupt the smooth bliss the open outdoors gives you. We don't want the trip to end, but we make sure to take one last picture beside the campsite sign on our way out.
   I wish I could hold onto this forever: this feeling of complete peace and serenity. However, the feeling of carelessness is interrupted abruptly by the sound of a car horn as we emerge from the trees and pull out onto the highway. At that moment, we realize we have to return to reality, but make no mistake, we'll be back soon enough.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 23: Write A Letter To The Last Person You Kissed

No. Ive done this aready. Haha.

Day 22: Write A Letter To Someone You'd Like To Give A Second Chance To

Dear Jane Austin.,
In 8th grade I attempted to read Pride and Prejudice. I got bored and returned it to the library. I love the movie so much, though. And since the book is always better than the movie, it must be a really excellent book. Maybe I was just to young to comprehend it at the time. Maybe I'll try it again soon.....

Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 21: Write A Letter To Someone You Judged By Their First Impression

Dear Morgan,
This may be a little weird, maybe not, but most likely pretty weird, but you were who I thought of when I saw this topic sooo.....
I'll admit that I definitely judged you by my first impression... and what other people said and what I "saw" from the outside looking in, which made for a twisted view of who you really are. I still don't really know you very well, but I know you well enough to know that what you see is not always what you get. Sometimes people, including myself, may think you're being rude or harsh, but really you're just voicing your opinion. There is some bit of sarcasm in almost everything you say. Sometimes its difficult to decide if you're actually being sarcastic or not.. haha. You actually care more than you let on. You are, or at least you seem(like I said: I still don't know you that well) confident in yourself. You are absolutely hilarious all the time. You treat my best friend well, and I'm glad he has you. Your opinion on things is always interesting, even if I might not always agree. You're gorgeous, of course, and I just couldn't think of a better person to be my grandmother. HA(:
I'm sorry for judging. I promise to not do that anymore(:

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 20: Write A Letter To The Person Who Broke Your Heart The Hardest.

Ive basically done this already. Refer back to Day 7

Day 19: Write A Letter To Someone Who Pesters Your Mind - Good or Bad

Dear Ryan,
The only reason I'm writing about you on this one is because you told me to. Hahah(: So guess what? NOTHING! Anyways, you text me a bajillion times a day, you get me every time with that guess what thing, you cheat of me in Spanish, you steal my silly bands, you wont let me wear your necklace, you annoy me when I don't feel good, you tell me I look terrible when I don't fix my hair, you make fun of my golfing skills, you won't let me drive your golf cart, you swing those keys around your finger 24/7,  and if you're not swinging your keys, you're tapping your pencil. But really you are a good friend. You're trustworthy and you're always there for me. Someday, you're going to teach me how to play guitar(:
Haha. Thanks(:

Day 18: Write A Letter To The Person You Wish You Could Be

This is going to be more like Write A Letter To The Person You Hope To Be (Like)

Dear Daddy,
I can't think of a better person to have for a dad. You are funny. Everyone loves you, even when you're goofy. You don't embarrass me. ........ often(; You are EXTREMELY patient. You hardly ever get angry and I've only ever heard you raise your voice a few times. You love Mom and its apparent. I am confident I will never have to know what it's like to live in a broken home, which is a huge blessing. You make boring things fun. You have a song for every occasion. You love God. You spoil me(; When you're around, people can't be upset. You keep things organized. You keep Mom sane. You know how to talk to Hallie and I like we're adults. You love your family. There's never been a time in my life when I was unsure of your love for me. I know I can trust you. You are creative. You're smart. And even though you're gone a lot, you have a pretty awesome job(;
I love you. I hope I grow up to be like you someday.

Day 17: Write A Letter To Someone From Your Childhood

Dear Mrs. Rhonda,
I haven't seen you in forever, but when I think back to my childhood, you were a big part of it. You are a wonderful lady. You love everyone unconditionally. You are so kind and caring. I remember used to, every time I would see you, you'd kiss my forehead and leave a lipstick print. You always treated Hallie and I so well. We used to love to come over and swim or play Pretty Pretty Princess with Christa and Lacy. You were a great influence in my life and I miss you very much!
Hopefully we'll see each other again sometime soon.(:
I love you!

Day 16: Write A Letter To Someone Who's Not In Your State/Country

Yuli,Te extraño mucho. Este verano fue muy divertido. Todavía tengo fotos de nosotros en mi pared y en mi teléfono celular. Usted me hizo reír tanto! Cuando pinté las uñas estaban tan bonitas. Eres una mujer joven y bella y quiero volver pronto! Dile a todos los otros niños en el Albergue y Tia Elizabeth que amo y los extraño demasiado.
Te quiero Choco Leche(;-Hannah.

Day 15: Write A Letter To The Person You Miss The Most

Dear Ari,
I miss you like no other. I miss how you laugh with me when no one else does. I miss telling you everything. I miss your smiling face. I miss knowing you'll be at church. Every now and then I still catch myself thinking you'll be there and it's like, the biggest bummer when I realize you are so far away. I miss our deep conversations. I miss going to Chick-Fil-A and then walking around Game Stop, making fun of all of the pointless Wii games people come up with. I miss our inside jokes. I miss you're positive attitude. I miss having you to put me in check when I'm being too dramatic or something like that. I wish you were here so I would actually like more than three freshman(; I miss your blonde moments. I miss your creativity. I miss your clumsiness. I miss your hugs. I miss your entire family. I miss listening to Kegan ramble about Miley Cyrus(; I miss chasing Kara around the lighthouse. I miss Randy's laugh and laid back attitude. I miss Jennifer's story telling methods, okay? (; And believe it or not I miss hearing Briana's voice on Hallie's speaker phone. I need to see you guys, like, no lie. Sara L and I have decided to come visit over Christman break, so be prepared. (; Ya'll are definitely too far away.
Anyways, I love and miss you!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 14: Write A Letter To Someone You've Drifted Away From

Dear Lesson,
Even though you're still one of my good friends, we've been closer. Over the summer especially we were reeeeaally close. What happened when school started? We never actually see each other anywhere other than church anymore. We should definitely start hanging out again(:

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 13: Write A Letter To Someone You Wish Could Forgive You

Dear Everyone Who Actually Reads My Blog,
Thank you for listening. Sorry I am so crazy with my posting. Sometimes it's hard to find time/inspiration to post so I have to catch up later on. Forgive me?(:

Day 12: Write A Letter To The Person You Hate Most/Caused You A Lot Of Pain

Dear ........,
I don't really have any one person who's hurt me the most. I know of a time in my life where I felt like everyone was hurting me, but that was probably just me being dramatic. Still, it was, and still is, remotely important to me. I don't think it's right to blame all of your pain on one person. That's a lot to put on someone. I don't really think people hurt you either(at least emotionally). It's the circumstances that hurt you. least while you're in high school. For example, if your boyfriend breaks up with you, you're going to live. You feel humiliated because you trusted that person, sad because you thought you "loved" that person, and stupid for ever thinking it was real. You're hurt by the fact he broke up with you, not because he physically hurt you. I'm having a hard time with this post, mainly because I try not to dwell on the hurt in my life, but on the good things. I don't really have much to say for this one...

Day 11: Write A Letter To A Deceased Person You Wish You Could Talk To

Dear Hannah,
I'm not going to sit here and say that you were my best friend and talk about how much I loved you and how you changed my life and all that stuff like most people do when someone dies, mainly because I didn't really know you that well. I do know that to some of my friends, all of these things are ENTIRELY true. I can't imagine what it would be like to lose my best friend, but these people have. I know just from the little I knew you and from the way they talk about you that you were an incredible person. You changed lives just by being who you were. You were kind, and caring. I know that over spring break you went on a mission trip instead of going on vacation like most of the rest of your friends. I know that you loved your family and friends. I know your were gorgeous. If I can know all of this and I barely knew you, I can't imagine all of the great things about you that I didn't know. I wish you could see that even though it was short, your life was not without purpose. And I, along with all of your friends and family can't wait to get to see you again someday soon so they can get reacquainted, and so that I can get to know you. Besides, we'll need someone to give us a tour around heaven when we get there(;

Day 10: Write A Letter To Someone You Don't Talk To As Much As You'd Like To

Dear Brittni,
So we used to be like BFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFs and then you had to go move to nappy RC. What's up with that?(; We hardly ever see each other anymore, except for when you actually come to church. I miss your mom's nachos:( We don't have as much to talk about because we go to different schools, but we always figure something out. You should stop being so clumsy before you have to be in a wheel chair, fool! Hahahha. Well anyways, I love you! Thanks for riding roller coasters with us. We should definitely hang out more often(:

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 9: Write A Letter To Someone You Wish You Could Meet

Dear Doreen,
We're you're Compassion sponsors. I appreciate the letters you send us every now and then. It's nice to hear from you. I really wish I could come meet you. I'd like to learn your personality, meet your family, see where you live. Momma has thought about going to Africa on a mission trip and leaving the group for a day or two to visit you, but that hasn't turned out yet. You seem very nice and humble. Every time you write you tell us how thankful you are for us and how blessed you are, but I want you to know that we're just as thankful for you. You, yourself are a blessing. We love you. I hope to meet you VERY soon.

Day 8: Write A Letter To Your Favorite Internet Friend

Dear  Rachel,
You're my favorite internet friend because I feel like that's really the only place I hear from you these days, and also because you are the only person who can literally make me Laugh Out Loud every time I read your Facebook status. "If life gives you melons, you could be dyslexic." , "This is a perfect example of a status that isn't about the Rangers. It's about Pluto, may he revolve in peace. 1930 - 2006" Everything is FRAZILY sarcastic, you cheater. And also, your picture comments are always the best. They're creative. Why don't we ever see each other in person anymore? That's weird. It seemed like for a while there I saw you ALL the time.... But anyways. Yeah.... Aha(:

Day 7: Write A Letter To Your Ex

This is a little uncomfortable, so I'm gonna keep this short, and vague(:

Dear...People Of My Past,
As the popular quote says "Don't worry about the people in your past, there's a reason they're not in your future." You were put into my life to be a part of my past: An experience, a warning, preparation, a lesson. You were in my life to make me stronger and wiser. You were put there to force me to open up and feel thing I had never felt before, even if they weren't as "real" as I thought they were. You've given me a confidence I didn't have before. I've learned that you don't always know someone as well as you think you do. I've learned to think before speaking. I've learned to not be so sensitive and dramatic. I've learned to be wary of other's feelings. And I've learned to take life as it comes. Who you were then, made me who I am now and, for that, I'm thankful. I can only pray that you are as happy about where you are now as I am happy about where I am now.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 6: Write A Letter To A Stranger

Dear Stranger,
You don't know me, and I don't know you, but we could fix that real quick. I'm Hannah. I'm 15-A sophmore in highschool. I live in good ol' Texas. I have a wonderful family- one sister, Mom, Dad, Grammy, Poppy, etc. I love Jesus, and if you don't know him, I'd sure be happy to introduce you to him. I very much enjoy going to church. I play volleyball...for now. I love the sport, but.. well that doesn't matter(:  I do well in school, because I work hard to do well. I have a few close, AMAZING friends. They make me laugh 24/7. Most of the time I like to meet new people(; So if you ever are looking for a new friend, hit me up(:

Day 5: Write A Letter To Your Dreams

So I think it's funny that technically the assignment is to write a letter TO my dreams. So I'm going to take this as literally as possible(:

Dear Dreams,
I work really hard to fulfil you. Some times it's really difficult to achieve you, but that's okay, because it's all worth it in the end. Some of you long term dreams like Going to College, Getting a Degree In Elementary Education, Getting Married and Making a Family, Going Into the Mission Feild: are going to be tough to overcome. I know I have some awesome people to help me out along the way though. Sorry I'm I've got such high expectations, but achieving a dream that's easy to achieve isn't nearly as rewarding as achieving a dream that's not so easy to achieve. All of you are important. Without dreams life would be almost pointless. So thanks. Hopefully all see you all come true sometime in my future<3

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 4: Write A Letter to Your Sibling

Dear Hallie,
You're a freak. But that's okay. You are insanely crazy. You're too smart for your own good and that gets you in trouble sometimes. You are sneaky and a good actor(or liar) (; Sometimes I get mad at you but I still love you. You know how to tick me off. You're loud, goofy, and unnecessarily imature at times. You are lots of fun, hilarious, and sarcastic. You're mature even when you dont act it. You're comfortable in your skin: something even the skinniest super models are jealous of you for. You love everyone unconditionally. You stand up for what you believe in. You're NOT shy. You just crack me up 24/7!
I love you!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 3: Write A Letter To Your Parents

Dear Mom and Dad,
You guys are the greatest. You support me no matter what. You have an unconditional love that can't be matched by anyone other than God. I know I can rely on you for anything. I think you've done a pretty good job of raising us if I do say so myself. I know I get aggravated at you every now and then, but I know you just want the best for me. And I know y'all get aggravated at me sometimes, but you should know that one if my greatest pleasures is in pleasing you guys(but I'll admit, it's also pretty fun to tick y'all off[;). I've realized, especially in the past year, that I am MORE than fortunate to have y'all for parents: godly people who love me and take care of me no matter what. I'm lucky to have parents at all and the fact that y'all are who you are, is only an added bonus. Even though you don't let me do everything I want to, like ride in the car with a boy to CHURCH, or go see Paranormal Activity 2, I know it's because you love me you don't want me to turn out like some of the other hoodlum people we have to deal with; which is good, because I don't want to turn out that way either. And even though you rag on me about my grades, I know you're proud of me. So anyways, I'm thankful for you and I love you. A lot(:

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 2: Write A Letter To Your Crush

Dear Drew Brees,
 You are extra cute. The only reason I watched the Super Bowl this past year, is because the Saints were playing. Haha! You're obviously a pretty good quaterback, because ya'll won that Super Bowl. You were also in that video we watched before the game and you were talking about how we need to be good Christian people, so that was pretty cool too. I definitely still have the little trading card thing that Randy gave us with your picture on it. It's on my mirror. If I were a few years older, I'd totally marry you. (; Keep playin' hard!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Day 1: Write A Letter To Your Best Friend

I have so many amazing friends, I wont be able to write a letter to all of them. But here's a few.

Dear Elizabeth,
 Even though other people probably just consider you one of my mom's friends that I get dragged around with, I consider you one of my best friends. You are a TON of fun to hang out with, even if you are a few years older than me.(; You can make a good time out of any situation. You're smart, funny, sarcastic, and crazy creative. You're tolerant of mine and Hallie's fighting. You listen to good music. You care enough to come over to my house late at night to help me write an IWA that I've procrastinated on for too long. You take us on adventures to midnight movie premiers, wrong turns through the Dallas ghetto, crowded Peruvian markets, and into the back seats of scary drunk/blind cab driver's cars. You always have the best themed Christmas and Birthday gifts. You have the greatest sense of style. You're laugh is contagious. You're not afraid of having your own (strong) opinions. You treat me like an adult. You have a heart for God and a drive to fulfill his will. You sacrifice so much to help others. You are level-headed and classy. When I grow up I can only hope to be half the person you are. I miss you like crazy and I can't wait until you get back so we can sing songs from musicals at random moments. I love you and I'll see you soon.

Dear Tiffani,
Girl, I don't even know WHERE to start with you. You're insane, I swear. I love how you can always say the exact thing I'm thinking, since I'm better at holding my tongue than you are.(; I'm glad you hate people too because now I'm not alone. The looks we give each other when someone says something stupid make me smile. You know how to push my buttons and then make me laugh with some stupid comment. "QUIET MUSICAL HOG! KNOCK IT OFF!" It's great how no one, including us, ever knows why we're laughing, but we just keep on going. Whenever I need someone to talk to, I call you. You know when to cheer me up, or when to just agree and let me pout. You understand my "problems" and always have some kind of advice, even if it just makes me laugh. You tell me straight up if I'm being unreasonable. "Oooo boy, GO HOME!" If we didn't live right down the street from each other, I think I would die. We're easily amused when we're together. I love our late night talks in our.....secret place(; that we haven't been to in FOREVER. I swear I'll be 80 years old and still be screaming "SO?!" at annoying people, and when that happens, you'll just roll out to the hallway and laugh with me. I'm pretty sure we could spend and entire day together without saying one word; just giving each other looks: because we're that good. I think in the past year or two we're both come out of our shells a bit; not that you had much shell left to come out of, but if it wasn't for you I'd probably be the nerdy shy girl in the corner who doesn't know how to stand up for herself. You taught me how to have sass(which my mother probably hates you for) and your ability to say things to people that you TOTALLY mean and they TOTALLY don't think you mean, cracks me up. "I'm busy. You're ugly. HAVE A NICE DAY!" I'm glad you're my friend, because without you, life would be pretty darn boring.

Dear Fatlack,
Sometimes I wonder about you.... but then that's one of the reasons I love you so much. You're my SNEEPGBFFAATRTHCSBAACG and there's no one else in the world I would chose to go on Marvelous Miss-Adventures with. You are incredibly random, and a tiny bit slow. You make life enjoyable, even when we have to pause for a minute to explain the situation to you. Apple picking just isn't any fun without your trusty fellow Evil Evilian. Sometimes I think you have Turrets because of the random times when you "accidentally" spit out a cuss word(; I'll never go paint balling without you, because who else is crazy enough to roll over tree stumps with me?? You're smarter than you let across though. Sometimes think that secretly, you're an evil genius; you're just also a really good actor, sent to the earth by aliens to capture the love and trust of us earthlings so that you all can take over the world! But it's just a theory. When I think back to the times I've laughed the hardest, you're always right there with me, rollin' on the floor while everyone looks at us like we are insane. That will never change. Someday, when we finally get our Dolphin-Riding License, we'll run(or ride) away into the ocean and build our underwater mansion with a Pole Hole and a slide in every closet. Then, when: and only when we've finished building, we'll come back just long enough to pick up Tiffani and then we'll live happily ever after in our aquatic haven. Hahahaha(; Thanks for your completely random and out-of-the box-thoughts. They brighten my day.

Dear BondJamesBond,
Let me start by stating the obvious: You're awesome. The competition we have going on with our grades, is what keeps me working hard in school; because I wouldn't ever want you to beat me by .7 points.. That would just be humiliating..(;  I wish you'd come to church with me every now and then, just because I wish you could see why it's so important to me. You do have an excellent sense of humor, even if I do have you figured out. haha. You'll never be able to tell me "maybe" ever again, because I don't take no for an answer.(; I love how we can go to Applebee's and end up grounded for staying out too late, even if we were just talking about whatever came to mind. Mr. Babcock's class is only entertaining because I get to see your reaction to his stupid comments. "It's in your heart, James. Just twiddle your thumbs!"  You're sarcastic and you confuse me sometimes, but that's okay. You're the only one of my friends that can actually call ME slow. Haha(: You tell me when I look terrible and I tell you when you're out of line. You and Morgan are the cutest, even if ya'lls PDA levels are OFF THE CHARTS(; I know I can always talk to you when I need a straight-forward answer. Thanks for being my BGF!(:

Project For The Month

Write a letter to :

Day 1 — Your Best Friend.

Day 2 — Your Crush.

Day 3 — Your parents.

Day 4 — Your sibling (or closest relative).

Day 5 — Your dreams.

Day 6 — A stranger.

Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush.

Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend.

Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet.

Day 10 — Someone you don't talk to as much as you'd like to.

Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to.

Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain.

Day 13 — Someone you wish could forgive you.

Day 14 — Someone you've drifted away from.

Day 15 — The person you miss the most.

Day 16 — Someone that's not in your state/country.

Day 17 — Someone from your childhood.

Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be.

Day 19 — Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad.

Day 20 — The one that broke your heart the hardest.

Day 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression.

Day 22 — Someone you want to give a second chance to.

Day 23 — The last person you kissed.

Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory.

Day 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times.

Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to.

Day 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day.

Day 28 — Someone that changed your life.

Day 29 — The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to.

Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror