I have so many amazing friends, I wont be able to write a letter to all of them. But here's a few.
Dear Elizabeth,
Even though other people probably just consider you one of my mom's friends that I get dragged around with, I consider you one of my best friends. You are a TON of fun to hang out with, even if you are a few years older than me.(; You can make a good time out of any situation. You're smart, funny, sarcastic, and crazy creative. You're tolerant of mine and Hallie's fighting. You listen to good music. You care enough to come over to my house late at night to help me write an IWA that I've procrastinated on for too long. You take us on adventures to midnight movie premiers, wrong turns through the Dallas ghetto, crowded Peruvian markets, and into the back seats of scary drunk/blind cab driver's cars. You always have the best themed Christmas and Birthday gifts. You have the greatest sense of style. You're laugh is contagious. You're not afraid of having your own (strong) opinions. You treat me like an adult. You have a heart for God and a drive to fulfill his will. You sacrifice so much to help others. You are level-headed and classy. When I grow up I can only hope to be half the person you are. I miss you like crazy and I can't wait until you get back so we can sing songs from musicals at random moments. I love you and I'll see you soon.
Dear Tiffani,
Girl, I don't even know WHERE to start with you. You're insane, I swear. I love how you can always say the exact thing I'm thinking, since I'm better at holding my tongue than you are.(; I'm glad you hate people too because now I'm not alone. The looks we give each other when someone says something stupid make me smile. You know how to push my buttons and then make me laugh with some stupid comment. "QUIET MUSICAL HOG! KNOCK IT OFF!" It's great how no one, including us, ever knows why we're laughing, but we just keep on going. Whenever I need someone to talk to, I call you. You know when to cheer me up, or when to just agree and let me pout. You understand my "problems" and always have some kind of advice, even if it just makes me laugh. You tell me straight up if I'm being unreasonable. "Oooo boy, GO HOME!" If we didn't live right down the street from each other, I think I would die. We're easily amused when we're together. I love our late night talks in our.....secret place(; that we haven't been to in FOREVER. I swear I'll be 80 years old and still be screaming "SO?!" at annoying people, and when that happens, you'll just roll out to the hallway and laugh with me. I'm pretty sure we could spend and entire day together without saying one word; just giving each other looks: because we're that good. I think in the past year or two we're both come out of our shells a bit; not that you had much shell left to come out of, but if it wasn't for you I'd probably be the nerdy shy girl in the corner who doesn't know how to stand up for herself. You taught me how to have sass(which my mother probably hates you for) and your ability to say things to people that you TOTALLY mean and they TOTALLY don't think you mean, cracks me up. "I'm busy. You're ugly. HAVE A NICE DAY!" I'm glad you're my friend, because without you, life would be pretty darn boring.
Dear Fatlack,
Sometimes I wonder about you.... but then that's one of the reasons I love you so much. You're my SNEEPGBFFAATRTHCSBAACG and there's no one else in the world I would chose to go on Marvelous Miss-Adventures with. You are incredibly random, and a tiny bit slow. You make life enjoyable, even when we have to pause for a minute to explain the situation to you. Apple picking just isn't any fun without your trusty fellow Evil Evilian. Sometimes I think you have Turrets because of the random times when you "accidentally" spit out a cuss word(; I'll never go paint balling without you, because who else is crazy enough to roll over tree stumps with me?? You're smarter than you let across though. Sometimes think that secretly, you're an evil genius; you're just also a really good actor, sent to the earth by aliens to capture the love and trust of us earthlings so that you all can take over the world! But it's just a theory. When I think back to the times I've laughed the hardest, you're always right there with me, rollin' on the floor while everyone looks at us like we are insane. That will never change. Someday, when we finally get our Dolphin-Riding License, we'll run(or ride) away into the ocean and build our underwater mansion with a Pole Hole and a slide in every closet. Then, when: and only when we've finished building, we'll come back just long enough to pick up Tiffani and then we'll live happily ever after in our aquatic haven. Hahahaha(; Thanks for your completely random and out-of-the box-thoughts. They brighten my day.
Dear BondJamesBond,
Let me start by stating the obvious: You're awesome. The competition we have going on with our grades, is what keeps me working hard in school; because I wouldn't ever want you to beat me by .7 points.. That would just be humiliating..(; I wish you'd come to church with me every now and then, just because I wish you could see why it's so important to me. You do have an excellent sense of humor, even if I do have you figured out. haha. You'll never be able to tell me "maybe" ever again, because I don't take no for an answer.(; I love how we can go to Applebee's and end up grounded for staying out too late, even if we were just talking about whatever came to mind. Mr. Babcock's class is only entertaining because I get to see your reaction to his stupid comments. "It's in your heart, James. Just twiddle your thumbs!" You're sarcastic and you confuse me sometimes, but that's okay. You're the only one of my friends that can actually call ME slow. Haha(: You tell me when I look terrible and I tell you when you're out of line. You and Morgan are the cutest, even if ya'lls PDA levels are OFF THE CHARTS(; I know I can always talk to you when I need a straight-forward answer. Thanks for being my BGF!(: